CO2 Calculator

Do you want to know your CO2 footprint? Use our calculator below and see your results.

Calculate your CO2 footprint

Natural gas is empty. Natural Gas [m3]

Ton CO2:

Driven KM Diesel is empty. Driven KM Diesel [km]

Ton CO2:

Driven KM Gasoline is empty. Driven KM Gasoline [km]

Ton CO2:

Total: Fill in the form to calculate your footprint.

Driven KM Electric is empty. Driven KM Electric [km]

Ton CO2:

Power consumption is empty. Power consumption [kWh]

Ton CO2:

Total: Fill in the form to calculate your footprint.

Flights short is empty. Flights short [km]

Ton CO2:

Flights long is empty. Flights long [km]

Ton CO2:

Water consumption is empty. Water consumption [m3]

Ton CO2:

Total Fill in the form to calculate your footprint.

Fill in your information to share your results

Name is empty. Name
E-mail address is empty. E-mail

“By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions and destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it, there is no planet B.”

Emmanuel Macron

President of France